Whether you are too young or you have been burned by a credit card before, not everyone wants to apply for a credit card just to earn miles. However, you still might have the dream to go somewhere exotic or beautiful without having to pay for all of the miles – and you can.
Here are a few different options that you have:
Online Shopping
So you might need a credit card to go online shopping, but you could also have a debit card – so online shopping can still work out for you (or work twice if you do want to use a credit card). Most airlines will have shopping portals where you can make your purchases to earn bonus airlines. Typically, you won’t pay anything extra and you’ll still gain miles.
Sometimes, the items will cost more on this website, so you do want to shop around and see whether or not it is worth it – just remember that you are getting miles on top of that.
Go To Restaurants
Some airlines will offer extra points if you dine at specific restaurants. You can sign up online and link a credit card to that restaurant. You can pay your bill (which you will do anyway) and earn miles. Of course, this does require a credit card.
Some services, like Netflix, will offer you bonus airline miles just for signing up! While you shouldn’t sign up for things just because they offer miles, it is certainly something to consider.
Survey Says
While you are lounging on the couch, you might want to start using that time wisely. There are plenty of online survey sites, like eMiles and e-Rewards, where you can get points for taking surveys – mostly about your shopping habits.
Debit Cards
If you aren’t a fan of credit cards, you probably have a debit card. Since most people do prefer to use cards over cash, you may want to consider it. A debit card cannot get you into nearly as much trouble as a credit card does and you still get the miles that you want. Often, you have to go directly through the airline to get this kind of card, though sometimes banks will offer specials.
No matter what, the best way to get anywhere with your miles is to ensure that you use your miles properly and are smart about earning them. Only do what makes sense and always shop around for your miles to see what deal is the best.