Save on first class/business flights
The smartest frequent flyers know that Award Travel is the most economic way to fly. With Award Travel, you can save up to 75% off your next First/Business Class flight compared to published fare. Using your miles or buying them directly from TheMilesBroker can save you thousands on your dream destination to almost anywhere in the world. With our Award Travel feature, we can help you can book your next first class or business class flight. Just submit a request below and tell us all about your plans, we’d love to hear them.
Using your own miles to book the flight is a great option for travelers to take advantage of your own hard earned miles and put them towards a flight. With years of award travel experience, our agents will be delighted to assist you with the searching and booking of your flight.
Purchasing miles from TheMilesBroker is a great way to save thousands of dollars on your next international first class/business class flights. We work diligently to find you the lowest amount of miles required and continue to have outstanding results in doing this. Submit a request to your preferred destination and let one of our experienced award travel agents get to work for you.